Anubadok in Brief:
You can download a brief document, "A brief introduction to Anubadok" as a PDF file
from here.
It describes the internal working and the algorithm used in the Anubadok system by
considering specific example sentence.
Implementation Status:
To see the current level of feature implenetation in Anubadok system please
click here.
Running Anubadok:
The Anubadok system can be run locally from the package directory without installation.
For example, after downloading source code from SVN repository you can do
the following to run anubadok:
- cd anubadok
- echo "I love you." | ./bin/anubadok
You should see translated output in Unicode Bengali.
Online Interface:
There exists couple of online interaces for accessing Anubadok system. You
do not need to download any source code. You can access Anubadok system online